What to Expect and a typical trip day
Night before: Camping and or bunk house is provided at my base camp. There are possible options of hotel or motel accommodations in the Old Town /Bangor Area. A shuttle service from the Airport in Bangor to base camp can be arranged for a minimal fee.
Dinner at base camp is an option the night before the trip. Choice of meals varies from lobster and clams, hors d'oeuvres, wine and desert, to a simple meal of hot dogs and hamburgers with potato chips.
Depending on the time you and others arrive, there may be a camp fire, time to relax, ask questions and meet the others persons going on the trip.
First day of the trip: Dry bags will be handed out if not done the night before and we will go over packing. We have breakfast, load your personal belongings and be on our way to the river with transportation provided by MaineGuiding.
Upon arriving at the river we will unload the van and trailer of gear and canoes. We have lunch, then you receive instructions and assistance in loading the canoes, along with a safety talk and paddling instructions. When we put in the water there will be some more paddling instructions until everyone is comfortable and has enough basics to proceed. Instructions are given through out the trip as needed and wanted to improve and one's skills along the way.
The first day is usually a short day on river due to the logistics and instructions. You will receive assistance as needed and wanted in setting up your tent and settling in the first night.
While you are setting up your tent and getting settled into your spot we will be getting out snacks, hors d'oeuvres, and wine for those of drinking age. Then we will set up camp. You will be able to relax, snack, swim, fish and socialize at your leisure while we prepare the evening meal. You are welcome to help and participate in the preparing and cooking of the food if you wish but not expected to do so. Dinners are varied with plentiful amounts, including plenty of fresh food, salads, deserts, wine, snacks, hors d'oeuvres prior to dinners. Sample of entrees include fish, chicken, stir fry, beef stroganoff, steak, spaghetti, or chili if it is cold out. Special requests are welcome, as is taking in account and accommodating for special needs.
The days, you will find, have a generally relaxed and enjoyable pace. There will be plenty that we can do: viewing wildlife and signs of wild life, seeing and exploring side streams and the banks, more instruction, swimming and playing on the water, or just laying in the sun. Weather and water conditions vary the amount of time needed to be on the water paddling. There is an accumulation of time and distance to be accommodated for, since most trips have a set take out time and day. This is the guide's worry on how far to go and when and where to make camp. We rest and have snack breaks at a leisure pace. We will have a longer stop for a fulfilling lunch. Lunches are typically set up buffet style, with plenty of fresh stuff and options. You will assemble your own sandwiches.
Electronic devices including radios and cell phones are discouraged and generally not allowed on MaineGuiding river trips. In most areas on river there is no cell phone coverage so that is not an option. Watches are generally discouraged unless needed for timing of medications or something else of importance to an individual. This is an opportunity to be without the concern of time. Most people find, enjoy and respect the natural day when they are able to shed living by the clock.